Verfasst am Freitag, 12. Februar 2021 um 19:23 von pabstha Freigegeben von Master
pabstha schreibt:
"I will write it in English to transmit it to the US, who know only one language.
Some years ago I jingled to my friend Rod in Troy. “Hello” today you have the election, what is your favourite ?
The answer of this highly educated MIT- engineer:
It does not matter which party is in the government, the decisions
are made by the establishment and the big business which invest their money in the parties.
These super-rich clans are the death of any democracy.
They get their profit in the much to high costs of military equipment ( 1 B2-bomber is more than one-thousand billions US-$ . Therefore you did not learn one foreign language, roads are like in Morocco , electricity runs on wooden poles over the streets like in India.
Your taxes are spoiled for these evil high-society.
Mrs. Vanderbilt told in our TV, they have their jets ready to flee to their islands anywhere in the ocean.
Think about your unusual constitution, compare it with that of Switzerland.
They did not have any war since 500 years.
You need a new Wilhelm Tell.
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